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Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Jun 2, 20132 min read
Car Buying
Dear Elli, Today you heard your Daddy and me have a shouting match. I'm sorry. I already apologized to you in person, but I will say it...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
May 28, 20134 min read
Dear Elli, This Sunday is our wedding anniversary. Our ninth anniversary. We have been together for a grand total of 13 years. If you...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
May 23, 20133 min read
Dear Elli, You sure do ask a lot of questions. Most of them are really easy to answer and make me feel like a freaking genius because I...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
May 9, 20133 min read
Mother's Day
Dear Elli, Yesterday, I received my very first real Mother's Day gift from you. It was a bracelet made of colorful plastic beads and a...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Apr 27, 20134 min read
Dear Elli, Today's letter is going to be a serious one because I am slightly hung over and feeling somewhat emotional. I was at the...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Apr 12, 20134 min read
Can I Have a Baby Sister?
Dear Elli, Lately you've been asking me for a baby. A baby sister to be exact. The answer is no. Not now, and probably not ever. ...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Mar 21, 20133 min read
The Working Woman
Dear Elli, Lately there's been lots of talk in the media from several high-powered career women regarding how we should behave in the...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Mar 13, 20134 min read
Happy Birthday Michelle!
Dear Elli, I am sharing this letter on March 14th. This is a special day because it is your "Aunt" Michelle's birthday. Today she is...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Mar 8, 20133 min read
Diets are Stupid
Dear Elli, I just read an article the other day about a kindergarten girl that has anorexia. I'm not joking. I think this story makes the...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Feb 23, 20135 min read
Dear Elli, I think a lot, as you will someday read all about, that I have no idea how to parent. I've learned that being a parent...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Feb 9, 20133 min read
Happy Birthday to Me!
Dear Elli, This past Friday was my birthday. My 31st birthday. It was a great day. Let me tell you why. When I came into your room and...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Jan 26, 20132 min read
Mommy's Confessions
Dearest Little Elli, Today I am going to confess to you some of my "sins" over the past 3.5 years. I'm sure I will feel immense relief,...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Jan 19, 20132 min read
Responsibility and Common Sense
Dear Elli, Today's letter is about something that has been on my mind a lot lately. It is a philosophy that I hope will soon re-emerge...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Jan 1, 20132 min read
Miley Cyrus
Dear Elli, Everyone is in an uproar! The sky is falling! Because Miley Cyrus fornicated with a foam finger and ground her booty into...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Dec 31, 20121 min read
French Toast
Dear Elli, I hate French toast. Your father thinks I suffer from a psychological condition. He told me this morning while he was making...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Dec 29, 20122 min read
The Curse Word
Dear Little Elli, I saw that glimmer in your eye. Let me replay the scenario for you. I was taking a basket of clothes into your room. ...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Dec 18, 20123 min read
My Christmas Wish For You
To my Sweet Little Elli, I've been thinking about doing this for awhile, this blog thing. I've thought it through, and my reasons for...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Apr 18, 20122 min read
Dear Elli, This week, yet another violent tragedy occurred in our nation. Some little assholes decided to bomb the finish line at the...
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