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Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Aug 12, 20195 min read
Middle School
Dear Elli, It's been awhile. I've been busy okay? Don't judge me. Your schedule is more dynamic than Kim K's, and I'm just trying to...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Jul 7, 20183 min read
Summer Camp
Dear Elli, We dropped you off at summer camp today. Your first ever weeklong summer camp experience. It was the most torturous...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
May 5, 20184 min read
Birds and Bees
Dear Elli, Yesterday, we had the birds and bees conversation. Why do they even call it that? I have no idea how sex relates in any...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Mar 31, 20182 min read
Dear Elli, First of all, Happy Easter! We had a great day with our family, as usual. Everyone was there (except Grandpa Mike because he...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Mar 11, 20184 min read
Real Communication
Dear Elli, I woke up this morning with the urge to write. I have about a million things I'd like to say, and I honestly have no idea...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Mar 1, 20185 min read
Mexican Vacation
Dear Elli, Your dad and I just got back from an adults only vacation in Mexico, and it was totally freaking awesome. We went with Cousin...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Dec 31, 20173 min read
Dear Elli, This is my third letter to you this year. I'm serious. I wrote 25 letters in 2016, and 3 in 2017. I've done a really shitty...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
May 31, 20173 min read
Dear Elli, Change is really hard. Like REALLY FREAKING hard. Seriously. You know what I did this week? I'm gonna tell you what I did....
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Feb 1, 20173 min read
Dear Elli, I had a really tough day today. It's my birthday, too, which is a total pisser. My day ended with a situation that injured my...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Nov 12, 20164 min read
President Trump
Dear Elli, Donald Trump is our next President. I honestly never thought I would utter those words. I've spent the last four days feeling...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Nov 7, 20161 min read
The Night Before The Election
T'was the night before the election, and all through the house, Mommy and Daddy were fighting. One of them will likely end up on the...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Oct 30, 20162 min read
Dear Elli, I realized today that tons of my letters discuss qualities that I believe are essential for success. Those qualities that I...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Sep 21, 20163 min read
The Real World
Dear Elli, You're dealing with mean girls this year at school. Really shitty little human beings. And every tear you shed is breaking...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Sep 15, 20163 min read
Dear Elli, Let me tell you about my friend, Mickey. Mickey celebrated 30 years of service today at Westfield. She is a damn fine...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Sep 1, 20163 min read
Good Enough
Dear Elli, I work a lot. And sometimes, I'm gone a lot. My work is a great source of pride for me, and it's a great source of guilt for...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Aug 11, 20162 min read
Presidential Election
Dear Elli, This is an election year. Three months from now, we're going to know who our next President will be. Isn't that...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Aug 6, 20162 min read
Dear Elli, Today, we celebrated my parents' birthdays. Their birthdays are only four days apart, so we celebrated both of them tonight. ...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Jul 28, 20162 min read
Bad Days
Dear Elli, Today was a bad day. We all have those days sometimes. My Spotify playlist was totally whack on my way to work. My stomach...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Jul 17, 20162 min read
Seven Years Old
Dear Elli, Today you are seven years old. When I started writing these letters, you were only three. Back then, it seemed you would...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Jul 7, 20163 min read
Dear Elli, I've lost four pounds in the last two weeks. I've done this because I'm utterly terrified, not because I'm cutting calories...
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