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Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Jul 1, 20161 min read
Simple Things
Dear Elli, Sometimes I forget how awesome the simple things in life can be. I really need to start remembering more often. We went to a...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Jun 4, 20162 min read
Big Thoughts
Dear Elli, You totally freak me out sometimes. As I was starting the water for your shower tonight, you went on quite a tirade. You...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
May 30, 20162 min read
Dear Elli, The world is not a fair place. There are millions of injustices that occur every minute of every day. I understand that, and...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
May 27, 20166 min read
Road Trip!
Dear Elli, As I begin this letter, I am at the airport in San Francisco with Michelle. On our way home from the most epic adventure of...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
May 18, 20162 min read
Ass Slapping
Dear Elli, You embarrass the hell out of me on a regular basis. I'm nearly immune to its effects at this point. Most of your...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
May 12, 20163 min read
Field Trip!
Dear Elli, I just arrived home from my very first experience chaperoning a field trip for your first grade class. We went to the...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
May 3, 20163 min read
Dear Elli, I'm having an irritating week. One of those weeks that just irritates the living shit out of me. It's not the end of the...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Apr 17, 20163 min read
Dear Elli, I have to confess that I was a total litter bug today. Let me tell you the story. After I picked you up tonight, we had to...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Apr 15, 20162 min read
Dear Elli, I had so much freaking fun today I can't even stand it! Today was your first soccer game of the season and guess what? You...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Apr 10, 20163 min read
Dear Elli, I'm completely bewildered by the heroin epidemic we have in our country right now. I seriously cannot wrap my mind around...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Mar 8, 20162 min read
First Grade Homework
Dear Elli, I try to be a nice mom. Really, I do. I try to be patient and understanding and nurturing and wonderful. But your homework...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Feb 19, 20161 min read
Bicycle Riding
Dear Elli, You cannot ride a bicycle. You will be seven years old this year, and you cannot ride a freaking bicycle. I'm not sure how...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Feb 12, 20163 min read
Dear Elli, You embarrassed the hell out of me today at the grocery store. I wanted to crawl into a hole and die as an epic failure of...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Jan 30, 20162 min read
Dear Elli, I just finished our income taxes for 2015. This is always an occasion that I would prefer to reserve for day drinking. ...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Dec 30, 20153 min read
Dear Elli, In a few hours, it will be 2016. In 2016, you will turn seven years old. Holy shit. Time flies. I started writing these...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Dec 25, 20153 min read
The Vet's Office
Dear Elli, Today we took Roscoe to the vet. We took him because he needed his nails trimmed, and we don't like to do it at home. Roscoe...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Dec 1, 20153 min read
Mean Kids
Dear Elli, Today you and I had a conversation about mean kids. And I remembered something that I haven't thought about for many years....
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Nov 19, 20153 min read
Dear Elli, I'm gonna pull a Kanye West and make a really belligerent statement. America hates Muslim people right now. That sounds really...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Nov 6, 20153 min read
Dear Elli, I'm so proud of you today. Today was a sign-up day for Christmas assistance for the Salvation Army in Akron, and I brought you...
Jennifer Edgecomb Odom
Oct 30, 20152 min read
Report Cards
Dear Elli, Yesterday, you received your very first report card of your first grade career. This is the first year you get actual letter...
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