Dear Elli,
This week, yet another violent tragedy occurred in our nation. Some little assholes decided to bomb the finish line at the Boston Marathon. I am shocked, but not for the reason you may think.
I'm shocked because I wasn't shocked. I'm shocked because my heart didn't even skip a beat when I saw the story break on the internet at work. No horrified rush of adrenaline. Nothing. If anything, it made me tired. Tired of these idiots wreaking havoc all over the nation. It's ridiculous. I'm too young to be this freaking tired.
In addition, I'm very irritated. I'm irritated that you have to live in a world that inhabits these cowardly little assholes. And there are way too many of them.
Finally, I'm disgusted. I'm disgusted that we live in a time when it is possible to not be shocked by something as horrific as innocent people being mowed down by the bombs of complete lunatics.
I have no idea what the answer is, Elli. I don't think it's as simple as passing some laws and shooting this latest round of assholes, though. There is no easy solution. Our culture is f'ed up. It's ridiculous, really.
One asshole feeds off the next, then the next, and so on. The media covers it all 24/7 for days on end and gives the little assholes all the attention they could ever want, along with giving closeted assholes new ideas for attention seeking ways to cause more horror.
Maybe they were bullied. Maybe they were mentally ill. Maybe they played violent video games. Maybe they grew up with guns in the house. Maybe they didn't get a trophy for participation in little league. Maybe they got too many trophies for participation in little league. Maybe they are Muslim, or Christian, or not religious at all.
I've got a new idea. Who gives a shit? They are little assholes. The only blame I'm assigning is to them. Assholes.
I'm not a fan of attempting to legislate this behavior out of our culture because I don't think it will work. But I do think we can parent our way to positive change, from the inside. I'm a big fan of raising people who understand responsibility and whose hearts encompass human compassion, respect, and dignity.
We've talked about taking responsibility for our actions and never blaming others for our choices or behaviors. There is no blame to be placed elsewhere in my book. It all goes to the one acting like an asshole. The reason for asshole behavior is irrelevant. Period.
And we have nothing without respect, compassion, and dignity for ourselves and others. There is nothing more precious in this world than life itself. Period.
I sure hope we can gain some ground on this asshole behavior. Because I'm tired of not being shocked by it. And I'm tired of being so tired of it. It really pisses me off.
The only thing that I know for sure is that I love you. I will do my best to protect you. And I will try like hell to make sure I don't raise you to be an asshole. You don't deserve it, and neither does the rest of the world.