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Dear Elli,

I started a new job this week.  Same company, but a whole new career path.  It's a great opportunity to learn.  To grow.  To progress.  A great career move.  But, nonetheless, scary as hell.

I went from knowledgable professional (I use that term very loosely) to ignorant fool in 24 hours.  I don't know any of the answers.  In fact, I have no real clue what I'm doing at all.  I ask 38 questions about the tiniest of matters, and I have 38 more that I don't ask because I don't want to irritate my new boss too badly. 

My new boss is a rock star, by the way.  The best in the business.  Everyone in our industry in the whole freaking country knows her.  She's freaking awesome.  And I took this job specifically so I could try my best to learn everything she knows,  and do everything she does.  Because I'm gonna be a rock star someday, too.  Just ask me.

But, right now, she pretty much scares the hell out of me.  Mostly because I don't want to let her down.  Or myself.  You see, she chose me.  I wouldn't have this opportunity if she didn't give it to me.  She seems to think I am going to be good at this new gig.  That I have rock star potential.  Hear that?  She thinks I'm cool!  Holy shit!  I might puke. 

You probably wonder why I'm telling you this ridiculously boring story.  It's because I want you to know that change isn't easy.  It's difficult.  Because it involves really freaking hard work.  And risk.  Risk of failure.  And that risk is very uncomfortable.

But discomfort is not a bad thing.  And neither is hard work.  They are necessary in order to improve.  To grow and to learn.  As a person.  As a professional.  As a parent.  As whatever the hell you are or wish to be.  There are no limits.  And that's really what life is all about.  Growing and learning.  Without limits.

And you know what?  The most important reason I took this job is you.  I want to be the best.  To show you that there are no limits.  You can do anything if you work hard enough.  You can be a rock star.  And you will be a rock star.  Because you can do anything I can do.  And I got this shit.  After all, I don't have a choice.  I can't let you down. 

I love you. 


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