Dear Elli,
Always trust your gut feelings about things. Always.
I'm a firm believer in this principle. But I don't always practice what I preach. And then it bites me in the ass. Almost always.
If your gut tells you something is jacked up, it probably is. Even if you can't put your finger on what is making you feel that way.
If your gut tells you somebody is jacked up, they probably are. Even if you want to believe they're OK.
And you can't manage jacked up people or their jacked up situations. No matter how hard you try. And you can't unjack them. No matter how smart you are. Just cut and run. That's the smartest thing to do. Even if everyone else thinks you're a total freak.
You see, lots of people don't have a sense of intuition. Those people don't understand gut feelings. They just see the surface of things. And if that surface is pretty, they're good to go. Even if something slimy is lurking beneath. Those are the people that will make you feel like a freak for following your gut. Don't listen to them. Ever. They're not that smart.
This is my lesson for the day. Good luck. It's easier said than done, though. Because you like to fix things. And you don't like it when people think you're a total freak. So you will most likely get bit in the ass sometimes. And it stings. Sorry.
And as you may have guessed by this evening's subject matter and my uncharacteristic gloominess, I am currently preparing for an ass bite that I know is coming. Because my gut tells me it's coming. And my gut is always right. Such a shame I didn't listen to it the first time around.
So I'm going to finish my Mike's Hard Mango Punch and mentally beat my own ass for the remainder of the evening. Because that's how I roll.
I love you.