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Happy Birthday Elli!

Dear Elli,

Tomorrow you will be five years old.  How the hell did that happen?  I'm stunned.  Truly freaking stunned.

Being a five year old is a big deal.  You are not a baby anymore.  You're a school kid.  A big kid. 

In one month, I'm going to send you out into the world.  By yourself.  On a school bus.  For the love of God.  I think I might puke.  Or cry.  Or both. 

But you're ready to be a big kid.  Even if I'm not.  And I'm proud of you.  I'm always proud of you.  Not just because I'm your mom, either.  I'm proud of you because you're an awesome kid.

You're not an easy kid.  You're an awesome kid.  Easy is overrated.   Awesome is so much better.  And in honor of tomorrow's big day, I'm going to tell you what makes you so awesome.

You're smart.  And not just because you know the alphabet and simple math problems.  That stuff is great, I agree. But that's not what I'm talking about.  You understand people.  And the world around you.  You know how things operate.  You watch everything and everyone.  And you learn.  You learn how to make situations work in your favor.  This is the kind of intelligence that separates the good from the truly great.  And you've got it.  And that makes you awesome.

You're a pain in the ass.  You are the most stubborn child I've ever encountered.  It sometimes makes me homicidal.  But guess what?  That quality will help you persevere.  It will help you to rise above the crowd.  To overcome anything.  To never let anything stand in the way of your dreams.  And while that makes you a pain in the ass today, it will make you a force to be reckoned with in the future.  And that makes you awesome.

You have a warm heart.  And while sometimes it's hard to see in the wake of your hot temper, it's there.  I see it when you care for our pets.  I see it when you share with your friends.  And I see it in the shame you feel when you've been hurtful to someone else.  Having a warm heart will help you to improve the world.  And that makes you awesome.

You're tough.  You're physically tough.  And you're mentally tough.  You don't give up.  And when you fall, you always get up.  That toughness will help you weather any storm.  And that makes you awesome.

You love me.  You love me in a way that only parents of young children get to feel.  Unconditionally and totally.  Without boundary.  Without judgement.  Without reserve.  Pure love.  And that won't last forever.  I know that.  As you grow, you will learn to be critical of me.  You will learn that I am not perfect.  But for now, I am.  And I thank you for allowing me this feeling, however temporary it may be.  That makes you awesome.

So Happy Birthday, my awesome girl.  I love all that you are, and all you are destined to become.  You are awesome.  And I am lucky to be your mom.


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