Dear Elli,
It's been over a month since my last letter! This is ridiculous, and I have no excuse. I'll try to keep this crazy log of our world a little more up to date.
Today is my birthday. I've reached the ripe old age of 33. To celebrate, I purchased a bottle of glucosamine for my arthritic knee. Don't laugh at me. Pimpin' ain't easy.
In addition to my geriatric supplement purchase, I received some pretty cool gifts and your daddy invited the whole family to celebrate with us at our house. There were a total of seven adults, two teenagers, and six children in attendence at my celebration. It was awesome!
The best part, though, was you. You were so excited for my birthday. Your eyes lit up the moment you saw me limp out of bed on my arthritic knee. Before I even finished pouring my coffee, you already sang me "Happy Birthday". You couldn't wait for me to open my gifts. And you and Daddy even baked cupcakes! Pink, with purple icing. Can you say "freaking awesome"?!?
Anyway, you made my whole birthday. And I told you so. I told you this was my best birthday yet, because you made it so special. I thought you were going to burst with pride and joy when I told you that. You make everything special. Because you care so damn much. It's amazing. And you're amazing.
I love you, Kid. I love you so much it makes me feel like I'm going to explode from a combination of pride and awe and joy and sheer terror. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me.
Thank you, Elli. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Today was the best birthday ever.