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I'm 32

Dear Elli,

I turned 32 yesterday.  Wow.  That sounds like a very adult age, doesn't it?  Good Lord.  When did I become an adult?  This is ridiculous. 

Don't worry, though.  I'm over the shock of being a woman in her 30's.  And I know I'm still pretty darn young, as long as you ask the right people.  (Do not ask a college student if 32 is old.  Instead, ask someone who has kids in college.  They always succeed in making me feel totally awesome about being a 30-something.)

And my birthday was great.  I took you sledding.  At Firestone Hill.  Which, in my humble opinion, is the greatest sledding hill on the planet.  I grew up sledding down that hill, and I only managed to get seriously injured once.  When I was 16, laying on the top of a pile of teenagers on a giant inner tube while speeding down a huge hill seemed like a smart idea.  4-year-olds are significantly smarter than 16-year-olds.  

We did not have any accidents yesterday, although I did receive a few stern looks from people who may or may not have thought that Firestone Hill is too big for a 4-year-old.  Some parents are totally lame.  I'm not one of them.  That said, I totally love lame parents.  Because they remind me of how freaking awesome I am in comparison. 

So next time you tell me how boring I am, I'll drop you off with one of the lame-o's.  They will probably make you wear a helmet to bed.  Sleeping is dangerous business, you know. 

Anyway, sledding with you was totally awesome.  You laughed a lot.  So did I.  But your laugh is way cooler.  Because little kids laugh without holding anything back.  It's one of the reasons I highly recommend parenthood.  The sound of your belly laugh makes the fact that both my right knee and my ass are very sore today totally worth it.  Because I might still possess mad sledding skills, but I am 32 years old.  My knee and my ass are reminding me of that fact today.

I want to thank you for an awesome birthday.  For keeping me young.  And for constantly reminding me how much fun life can be.  Sometimes I forget.  But you always remind me.  Never stop having fun, Kid.  And neither will I. 

I love you.


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