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Nanny's Day

Writer's picture: Jennifer Edgecomb OdomJennifer Edgecomb Odom

Dear Elli,

Today is my Mom, and your "Nanny's", birthday.  She is 61 years old.  She rocks. 

You know, I used to think she was an idiot.  I thought that for a long time.  For at least half of my childhood and my entire adolescence.  She just didn't understand how the world really works.  And she certainly didn't understand me. 

And while that thought process is really the natural relationship between mothers and daughters, I am proud to say today that I am the idiot.  And because of this natural relationship, I'm sure you will agree that I am an idiot.  Because I am your mom, which automatically qualifies me as an idiot in your eyes.  Until you are about 25. 

But Nanny is not an idiot.  She's actually pretty smart.  And funny.  And strong.  And beautiful.  And amazing.  In fact, she's the perfect combination of Einstein, Chris Rock, Wonder Woman, Angelina Jolie, and Nelson Mandela.  Wow.  Very impressive combo, huh?  Thank God she doesn't actually resemble that combo physically.  Besides Angelina Jolie, of course.  Where the hell do you think we got our stunning good looks?

And she has survived, and triumphed over, so many obstacles.  She has survived marriage, divorce, single motherhood, married motherhood, being broke, and most recently, breast cancer.  And she did it all with a smile on her face and a joke in her back pocket. 

Back when I thought she was an idiot, I never understood why everyone loved my mom.  All my friends.  The neighbors.  Freaking EVERYONE.  They thought she was awesome.  And hilarious.  They all laughed until they cried at my mom's jokes and stories.  Making light of all the shitstorms life threw at us.  How annoying...

But now I see.  How strong she really is.  How her jokes and crazy stories help her through the darkest of times.  And making other people laugh makes her happy.  No matter what shitstorm is brewing outside.

And I'm thankful.  Thankful that she taught me how to laugh at the world around me.  How to raise my middle finger in the air and tell that world to bend over and brace itself because I'm the boss of my destiny.  Thankful that she taught me how to buckle down and handle business.  Thankful that she taught me that we are all flawed but that we still should never stop trying.  Thankful that she taught me that we can survive anything, no matter how tough it seems.  Thankful that she taught me how to be a woman.  A real woman.  Because that's what she is.  

And now I laugh.  Because of her.  And I try to make others laugh, too.  Because it makes me happy.  She taught me that.  And someday I hope to be as awesome as she is.  And I hope I can teach you half as much as she taught me.  Because she is the definition of a great woman.  And that's what we should all strive to be.  

So, today, we will honor Nanny for her birthday.  She's coming over for dinner.  We are making  lasagna.  The same lasagna she made for me countless times.  And a cake.  A homemade cake that will undoubtedly be horrendously ugly but taste awesome.  Because, like Nanny, my cake decorating skills resemble kindergarten craft projects.  And that's OK.  Because kindergarten craft projects are cool.  And so is she.

I love you.  And I love my mom.  Happy birthday to Nanny!


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