Dear Elli,
Donald Trump is our next President. I honestly never thought I would utter those words.
I've spent the last four days feeling a lot of different emotions. I've been outraged, sad, disappointed, and just plain unhappy for much of the week. I'm a Democrat, after all. I should be pissed, right?
I was. For awhile. But I've spent a significant amount of time contemplating what happened. How it happened. And why it happened. And you know what? I think I might actually understand it.
I don't think many Americans really liked either candidate very much. I know I didn't, and that sentiment seemed pretty prevalent in conversation throughout the election process, whether I was speaking with a Republican or a Democrat. I think that a lot of us, on both sides, held our noses while voting this week.
Now let me tell you why I think Donald Trump won, and it's not because he's handsome, charming, has a nice hairdo, or because his hands are of significant size:
I think it's my fault. Yes, that's right. I blame the Democrats. And I can totally say that. Because it's my freaking party and I'll say what I want.
Over a number of years, we have managed to collectively alienate a massive portion of the general population. We've taken so many great ideas, and shoved them right off the cliff of common sense.
Let's start with one example, because this one sticks out the most in my mind:
Same-sex marriage. I can get behind that. And I did get behind that. It's an absolutely fantastic thing! Homosexual couples should have the same benefits as the rest of us. Victory!
But what happened next? I'll tell you, because we couldn't just savor the victory for equality and all get drunk together. We went entirely off the deep end instead. We said that it is totally fine and dandy and wonderful for everyone to use whatever restroom or locker room they desire. And we shoved that radical (yes, radical) idea straight down the throats of Americans everywhere. We vehemently stated that the idea is totally acceptable and anyone who disagrees is a homophobic monster. Are you f-ing kidding me? I don't know about you, but if I see a man in my locker room I'm calling the authorities to report an assault. And I'll be the one doing the assaulting.
That's only one example, but it coincides closely with a host of other ideas that we've pushed upon the country's citizens, under duress. And by duress I mean the threat of an insult-riddled guilt trip more potent than any mother could provoke.
Oh, you think we might need some immigration reform? You're an ignorant racist Islamaphobic asshole! You don't like abortion? You're a sexist pig and you hate women! You don't like our current welfare system? You greedy racist classist sonofabitch!
I'm not suggesting that insults aren't also spewed from the right. But we're supposed to be the tolerant ones, remember? They call us tree-hugging, bleeding-heart, out-of-touch-with-reality, liberals. Who's blows are lower?
But we protect everyone, right? We tolerate everyone. Every element of society. There is not a single group too small. That is our mantra. Equality, tolerance, peace, love, sex, drugs, and rock and roll! We love everyone! Except the majority.
And what about that majority? All those boring people? The mechanic in Michigan who isn't comfortable with his little daughter sharing a public restroom with a bearded man in a house coat and bunny slippers at Walmart? Or the Christian Pinterest-loving housewife in Pennsylvania who really wants to be assured that we aren't letting the spawn of Osama bin Laden through our pearly gates? Or the accountant in Ohio who anxiously watches 40% of her paycheck go to pay taxes while she worries how to pay for her son's college tuition? Are these our enemies? Terrible monstrosities of humanity? Are they just too typical for our tastes these days?
We've grown so good at making people feel small. If you question our positions at all, you must be a racist, sexist, homophobic, bigot, ignorant, hater! I'm sure the concerned mechanic, housewife, and accountant will surely vote our way now that we've called their character and moral fiber into question! (Insert sarcasm font.)
....And we have the nerve to wonder why Donald Trump was elected to be our next President? Are we really that arrogant?
Most of the people who voted for Donald Trump aren't monsters. Many of them are a lot like me. But they're tired. They're tired of being insulted when they offer dissenting opinion. Tired of being alienated. Tired of being made to feel small. Tired of us.
The polls were wrong. People may not have been comfortable sharing their frustration with the pollsters, but they sure as hell made their point in the voting booths. That's what happens when people feel that any change at all is better than the same old bullshit.
We've effectively terrorized our own people, and Donald Trump capitalized upon our arrogance. And to top it all off, we're still crying in the streets about it. As if we are the victims.
Donald Trump is not your president?
These are not my Democrats.
I love you, and I hope you grow up to be a lot less arrogant than we have been.