Dear Elli,
Lately, you are a huge fan of both Barbie and all of the Disney Princesses. That's cool I guess. But I have one small beef with all those ladies.
They all need to be rescued by a man. (Except maybe Barbie. I'm not sure how she can afford all that stuff on a flight attendant's salary, though.) And none of them live happily ever after until their prince comes along and saves the day.
Now I'm not some raging man hating feminist wacko. I'm married for God's sake. I've been with your father for 13 years. I love men! They're great!
But I don't want you thinking you need some guy to make you happy. Or safe. Or successful. That's bullshit. It's 2013 for crying out loud!
I've got a good story for you. Instead of scrubbing floors while waiting for Prince Charming, maybe Cinderella applied for financial aid and took her pretty little ass to college. On her way out the door, she flipped her step-mother and step-sisters the bird and screamed, "Check ya later, biotches!". While there, she learned both corporate finance and how to shotgun a beer. She had tons of fun and learned tons of stuff. When she graduated, she got a great job. And she bought her own pink Bentley. Then, she met a cool guy one night while she was out with her friends after work. And they fell in love. And they decided to share their awesome lives with one another. And maybe they had a couple of kids. The end.
That, in my humble opinion, is a better story. Way better.
But don't worry, I'm not going to stop you from loving your princesses. Just make sure you don't forget my story. Because my story is important. And relevant. And awesome. And so are you. All on your own.
I love you.