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Dear Elli,

You have your very first loose tooth.  It's the bottom front tooth on your right side, to be exact.  That was also the first tooth that came in when you were a baby.  It broke through your gums when you were 5 months old.  Right before Christmas, in 2009.  I remember that because I'm your mom.

You bit into an apple this morning, and noticed that it felt "wiggly".  So you ran into the kitchen to show me.  We both got super duper excited about it. 

You were excited because it means you are growing up.  Only big kids lose teeth, you know. 

I was excited because you were excited.  And because a loose tooth is a pretty big milestone as far as I'm concerned.

After we told Daddy, we called Grandpa Gordon almost immediately.  I'm not sure why, but I really wanted my dad to be the first to hear the news.  Probably because I knew he would be just as excited as you and me.  And I was right.  He was. 

After you talked to him, I got on the phone.  I told him I couldn't believe that I have a kid who's about to lose a tooth.  It's surreal.  How did you get so old?  So fast?  I told him I have flashback memories all the time of rocking you and holding you when you were an infant.  It just doesn't seem possible that it's already been five years.

We talked a little longer about my recent business trip to Texas.  About my new job.  And he told me, for the 123,798th time, that he is proud of me.  I laughed, and told him I've got a long way to go. 

He replied, "Remember those flashback memories we just talked about?  Right now I can remember you as a little girl, sitting on my lap, like it was yesterday.  You've come a really long way, Kiddo.  And no father could possibly ever be prouder."

The best thing about your Grandpa Gordon is that, when he says stuff like that, he means it.  He's not bullshitting.  He is genuinely THAT proud of me.  There is not a single doubt in my mind.  It's one of the greatest feelings I've ever felt.  And I've experienced it from my dad, every single day, for my entire life so far.  That's why I'm a Daddy's girl.  And that's why I've always known I can accomplish anything.

And as I talked with him today about your loose tooth, I realized that this is just the beginning for me.  That no matter how old you are, I will never stop remembering just how small you used to be.  And that every time you pass through another milestone or accomplish something in your life, no mother will ever be prouder. 

So as I sit here smiling to myself like an idiot about your first loose tooth, my greatest wish is that I can always make you feel the same way my dad has made me feel. 

Secure.  Trusted.  Confident.  Important. Unstoppable. 

Today it's a loose tooth that we're excited about.  Tomorrow you'll probably be graduating from college.  Either way, I'll still be rocking you to sleep in my mind.  And I'll never have been so proud to be your mom. 

You're special, Kiddo, and I'm proud of you.  I will try my best to make sure you always know that.  Forever and ever.

I love you.


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