Dear Elli,
Today is your class Christmas party at school. I am the organizer of said party. I took the day off to prepare and maybe get a few other things done before I go.
I have gotten almost nothing done. Let me tell you why.
You're sick. You were up most of the night coughing so violently that I thought your eyeballs were going to pop out of your head. So we had a slumber party on the living room floor. You brought the Vicks. I brought the humidifier. And I'm running on about two hours of sleep.
I took you to the doctor this morning. And you have a virus. I knew you likely had a virus that cannot be treated, but I took you anyway. Mostly because the first time I don't take you, you'll probably have pneumonia.
I dropped you off at school at 11:00AM. Because we are NOT staying home all day and missing the Christmas party!
I was hungry when I got home, so I ate ramen noodles, crackers, and a slice of American cheese over the kitchen counter. Did I mention I'm no longer in college? And this is the shit I eat when I'm alone? I've clearly got issues.
So I'm trying to put together fake fishing poles for your party. Because we will be playing "candy cane fishing". I bought two glittery batons to serve as poles yesterday. Today there is only one. Where in the holy hell does a five-year-old hide a glittery baton? I don't know. Because I've torn the entire freaking house apart trying to find it. And God clearly only wants us to have one fishing pole.
I've completely given up on any level of productivity today. So I'm sitting on my ass writing this letter. And I will continue to sit here until I leave for your party. With three bags of candy canes, two hours of sleep, one fishing pole, and a partridge in a freaking pear tree!
I love you, even though you're trying to sabotage my holiday party organizing skills and make me an embarrassment to room mothers all over the world.