Dear Elli,
I just returned from my last business trip of the year. And for the first time in my history of business travel, I feel well rested and relaxed upon my return.
Why, you ask? Because I traveled with an Executive this time. You see, an Executive is a very important person in the world of business. And they are treated as such. And since I was along for the party, I was too.
It was awesome! We actually got to sleep and have breakfast in the morning. And since this particular Executive is a normal human being who is not prone to giving me dirty looks and pontificating about his superior business acumen, I had a good time. Because Executives who are also normal human beings are sometimes hard to find.
So I've learned a valuable lesson. Traveling with Executives is great. And I will do it more often. And, when I grow up, I'm going to be an Executive. So I can sleep and have breakfast in the morning.
I love you.